प्राध्यापक संजीव सोनवणे
Vice Chancellor, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Email Id: sonsanjeev63@gmail.com, vc@ycmou.ac.in
1. Positions and Designation:
- Vice Chancellor, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (Since 2022).
- Professor and Head, Department of Education and Extension( Since Dec. 2005) Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune.
- Director, (I/C).U.G.C-.Academic Staff College, Savitribai Phule Pune University (Since Jun. 2012).
- Director, Faculty Development Centre(MHRD-PMMMNMTT), Savitribai Phule Pune University (Since 2018).
- National Resource Centre, MHRD, Savitribai Phule Pune University (Since Jun. 2018).
- Director,(I/C) School of Open Learning, Savitribai Phule Pune University (Since Jun. 2016).
- In charge, Advance Technology Learning Centre for Visually Impaired, Savitribai Phule Pune University(since Feb. 2008).
- Member, Academic Council, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
- Member, Court, Assam Central University, Silchar, Assam.
Previous Positions:
- Dean, Faculty of Education, University of Pune, (During Sept. 2001 to Aug.2005)
- Dean, Faculty of Education, Savitribai Phule Pune University ( Apr. 2011 to Aug. 2016)
- (During Mar. 2003 ∙ Member, Management council, University of Pune, to August 2005)
- Member, Management council, Savitribai Phule Pune University ( May 2011 to Aug. 2016)
- Director (I/C).Physical Education and Sports, University of Pune, (During Nov.2001 to Aug.2006)
- Registrar (Officiating) University of Pune , (During Oct.2007 to Jan.2008)
2. Date of Birth & Age on 21st May, 1963
3. Educational Qualification
- M.P. Ed.
- M. Sc. (Subject Communication- Mathematics),
- M A (Dist. Education),
Field of Specialization TEACHER EDUCATION
4. Recognition, Awards and Scholarships:
- Awards
- Award of Eminence (2019)by Indian Association of Teacher Educators(IATE).
- National Award-The NCPEDP- Mind tree Helen Keller Award 2016
- BEST TEACHER AWARD (2013) Pune Municipal Corporation, Pune.
- e-Maharashtra’ (2012) by Govt. of Maharashtra for Deploying ICT in Teacher Education to University of Pune.( Project Leader- Dr. Sonawane and Intel)
- Scholarships
- Linnaeus - Palme Teacher Exchange Scholarship, Govt. of Sweden, during Sept. – Oct. 2003 , in the area Mathematics Education at Jonkoping University , Sweden 2.Received Linnaeus- Palme Teacher Exchange Scholarship, Govt. of Sweden, during Apr. – May 2010, in the area Education for Sustainable Development at Jonkoping University, Sweden.
5. Experience Academic /Research:
Research Publications:
- International Publication:
- Umesh Sharma, Dennis Moor and Sanjeev Sonawane.,(Aug 2009), Attitudes and Concerns of pre-service teachers regarding inclusion of students with disabilities into regular classrooms in Pune, India, Journal of Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher of Education, Vol. 37, issue – 3, pp 319-331.
- Pethkar V., Naik S. & Sonawnae S., (2010), Attitudes toward Physical Activity & Its Measurements‟, Journal of Physical Education and Sport, University of Pitesti, Romania, ISSN 1582-8131, pp 30-36.
- Pethkar V., Naik S. & Sonawane S., (Sept. 2012), Relationship between students & Teachers Attitude towards physical Activity & Physical Fitness, Journal of Journal of Physical Education & Sport, University of Pitesti, Romania, ISSN:2247-806X, pp 385-390.
- Carter V., Orr B., Mc Griff M. ,Sonawane Sanjeev(Apr. 2014) Critical Incidence classroom management during students teaching internship and their effects on teaching profession, US-China Education review, ISSN2116-623X,Vol.4,209-228.
- Bera Manasi & Sonawane Sanjeev, (2008), Traditional Yoga for Value Education, Journal of Asian Querterly, ISSN : 2229-581X, Vol. No. 6, Issue No. 2, pp 70-83.
- Sonawane S.A. & Vartak L. R., (Nov. 2010), Peer Tutoring - Using Poster & Computer Presentations, Journal of Asian Quarterly An International Journal of Contemporary Issues, ISSN : 2229-581X, Vol. No. 8, Issue No. 3, pp 22-38.
- National Publication:
- Sonawane S.A., (Oct.2008), Talent Identification & Development in India: Suggestions for Developing Sports Talent, Journal of Research Bi- Annual for Movement, Val-25, pp23-31.
- Sonawane S.A., Uplane M.M. & Choukade G.G., (Jan.2009), Development of Textbook Based Self Instructional Package to teach Mathematics for the VI Standard students – A study, Entire Research, Thane, Vol-01, pp 20-23.
- Sonawane S.A. & Vartak L.R., (2009), Perceptions of the M.Ed. Students Regarding the Role of The Teacher & the Challenges Faced in Teacher Education, Researching Wholistic Education, CASE, M.S, University Baroda. pp152-165.
- Uplane M.M., Sonawane S.A. & Padmini M.S., (Apr-2009), Computer Assisted Instruction for low Achievers In Physics, Entire Research, Thane Vol. -I, pp 30-34.
- Toka S.M.S., Rana M.S. & Sonawane S.A.,(2009), Study of Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness Components of Tehran University and Pune University Students, Journal of Research Bi- Annual for Movement, ISBN 0973-889, pp 27-35.
- Sonawane S.A., (2009), Study of Level of e-Culture and Integration of ICT in Teacher Education Institutions of Pune City, Journal of Research Studies on the Impact of ICT in Education, Special Issue by Intel Corporation Intel Teach Programme, pp 55-59.
- Manasi Bera & Sanjeev Sonawane ( Mar. 2008)Traditional Yoga for Value Education, Yoga Vijnana (Science of Yoga) Vol – 1 issue – 3 Jan – March, 2008, PP 34-44.
- Aher S.S. & Sonawane S.A, (October 2010), Effect of Physical Activity Programme on Health Related Physical Fitness of Obese Boys, Entire Research, ISSN: 0975-5020, Vol. 2, Issue – IV pp 17-19.
- Kale S. & Sonawane S., (October 2010), Effectiveness of Activity - Based Teaching Method Used for the Development of Knowledge of Science of Students, Entire Research, ISSN: 0975-5020, Vol. 2, Issue – IV pp 75-77.
- Sonawane S.A.,(November 2010), Search for New Perspective, Journal of Variorum, ISSN: 0976-9714, Vol. 01, Issue – II, pp 1-6.
- Sonawane S.A.,(September-October 2010), Analysis of Research Finding of Use of ICT & Effectiveness in T-L, Shikshan Tarang( शिक्षण तरंग), ISSN : 0976-0636, Nashik, pp 86-95.
- Gaikwad S.P, Sonawane S.A. & Uplane M.M., (Jan-June 2011), Enhancing Scientific Attitude of Secondary School Students,The CTE National Journal, ISSN 0973-4457, Vol. IX No. 1, pp 54-58.
- Valvi N., Sonawane S., & Chavan K., (Oct-2011), To Check the Present status of Mental Health of PG Teachers, Journal of Mental Health, Mumbai, pp 221-224.
- Uplane M.M., Sonawane S.A. & Padmini M.S., (March-2011), CAI: An Effective Instructional Method for Secondary School Low Achievers, Edutracks, ISSN: 0972- 9844. Thane, pp 2-7.
- Sonawane S.A., (March 2012), Computer Assisted instruction for Retention of Science content for Secondary school low achievers, Journal of ICT in Education :Recent trends, 978-93-80626-65-9, pp 36-45
- Sonawane S.A., (June 2012), Project Based Learning (PBL) Approach Training for teaching, learning Assessment and Developing 21st century skills among pupil teachers, Journal of Teacher Education Browser : A refereed & Reviewed Journal, ISSN:2278- 6708, pp 9-22.
- Sonawane S. & Uplane M. (Oct. 2012) Funding for Educational Research, Shikshak Mitra, pp 46-48, Mumbai.
- Jadhav V.G. & Sonawane S.A.(Feb.2013) ‘Effect of Co-operative Learning on Self concept in Mathematics of Secondary School Students’ Shikshan Tarang( शिक्षण तरंग), ISSN : 0976-0636, Nashik,
- Sonawane & Soohee Cho (2013) Mind-Body Management Education (MBME) Programme: A Scientific Approach, Teacher Education Browser,ISSN:2278-6708, pp 06-15.
- Zhiwei Chen and Sonawane Sanjeev (2015) The new understanding and analysis of features and contents of grounded theory, Scholarly research Journal for Interdisciplinary studies, ISSN:2319-4766,pp 217-224.
- Zhiwei Chen and Sonawane Sanjeev (2015)The new concept definition and analysis of Biographical research method, Scholarly research Journal for Interdisciplinary studies, ISSN:2319-4766, pp 215-233.
- Patil Smita and Sonawane Sanjeev (2015) Leadership and Management in NAAC „A‟ Grade Higher Education Institutions of Maharashtra. Ling lit, ISSN2349-5189, vol.2, Issue I pp889-897.
- Sanjeev Sonawane and Suvarna Gaikwad(2017)Development and Standardization of Holistic Scientific Attitude Scale(H-SAS),INSIGHT(Journal of Applied Research in Education)ISSN 0975-665, Vol.22, No.1,pp96-103.
Conference Proceeding Publications:
- International Conference Proceeding Publications:
- Umesh Sharma, Dennis Moore (Monash University, Australia), Sanjeev Sonawane (University of Pune) (January 2006) Implementing Inclusive Education in India: A Need for Paradigm Shift,:9th to 11th January, 2006 Australia and India – Convergences and Divergences , Conference at PUNE.
- Uplane M.M., Sonawane S.A. & Manyath P., (2011),CAI: An Effective Solution In Understanding And Retention Of Science Content For Secondary School Low Achievers, Proceeding of INTED2011 Conference Valencia, Spain, ISBN-978-84-614- 7423-3, pp311-321
- Chavan K., Sonawane S. & Shinde S., (March-11), Research on Technology for Inclusive Education, Journal of Proceeding of INTED2011 Conference, ISBN: 978-84- 5 614-7423-3, Valenica, Spain, pp579-584.
- Sonawane & Soohee Cho (2013) Mind-Body Management programe (MBME) Educational Tool for self - Development –Scholarly Resaerch Journal for International Conference),ISSN 2278-8808
- National Conference Proceeding Publications:
- Sonawane S.A.,(2006), Deployment of ICT for Examination Reforms : Secured Reote Question paper Delivery for B.Ed. Examination of University of Pune, Journal of 3rd Indian Science Congress, Indian Science Congress Hydrabad, PP 02-03.
- Sonawane S.A.,(2008), Amongst Obesity, Mental Health & Scholastic Achievement of Obese Boys, International Conference on Stress Management, Journal of International Conference on Stress Management, Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, pp83.
- Uplane M.M., Sonawane S.A. & Padmini M.S., (2009), CAI : An Effective Instructional Method for Secondary School Low Achievers, Conference Proceeding of University of Mumbai, pp78-79 4.Sonawane S.A., & Uplane M.M., (2009), Research Methodology in Education, Symbisis Centre for Distance Learning, Pune. , (Oct. 2011), Mental Health & teaching effectives, Journal of Mental Health (Proceeding National Conf.), 978-81-922307-1-9, pp267-269.
- Sonawane S.A., (Dec. 2011), Paulo freiro on social health , Journal of Social Health (Proceeding of State Level Conf.), 978-93-81354-20-9, pp14-18.
- Aher S. & Sonawane S.A., & Uplane M.M., (2009), Research Methodology in Education, Symbisis Centre for Distance Learning, Pune. , (Dec.2011), A Study of Relationship amongst mental health & Obesity of obese boys., Journal of Proceedings on Dynamic Facts Health Sciences Conference, ISBN: 13-978-81-922647-9-0, Alappuz, Kerala, pp167-171.
- Sonawane S., Tupe N. & Jadhav V., (March-11), Research „Scenario Based Learning for Action Research‟, Journal of Proceeding of INTED2011 Conference, ISBN: 978-84- 614-7423-3, Valenica, Spain, pp6372-6378.
- Wadegaonkar A., Pote B. & Sonawane S., (2011), Mental health and Teaching Effectiveness of Mail Pre-Service Student Teachers, Conference Proceeding of Mental Health.. Role of Education, Mumbai, pp267-269
- Sonawane S.A., (March -2013), Sustainable Development, Journal of National Level Conf. on S.D. ISSN 2278-5639, Insight Nashik.
- Sonawane S.A.,(2007), Development of Education Excellence Model Based on Malcolm Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence, Journal of XXI AIAER National Conference, Shivaji University Kolhapur, pp30. 6
- Sonawane S.A. & Khetmalis M.S.,(2008), Effect of Interval Training Method and Repetition Training Method on Performance of Sprint, Journal of International Congress on Sports Medicine, Exercise Science Physical Edu. & Yogic Sci., Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, pp82.
- Sonawane S.A., (Sept. 2011), Who is innovative Teacher? Journal of Innovations in Teaching, Learning and evaluation. (Proceeding - National Conference), 978-93-81354- 09-4, pp17-21.
- Sonawane & Jadhav ( Nov.14), "Professional Development of Teachers." Global online Electronic International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, Vol.III, Special Issue -I, ISSN : 2278-5639.
Books Authored and Co-Authored:
- International
- Robert Bisonga Mwebi & Sonawane Sanjeev.,(2012), Teacher Education in Kenya, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN:978-3-659-28206-5. Robert Bisonga Mwebi & Sonawane Sanjeev.,(2012), Teacher Education in Kenya, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN:978-3-659-28206-5.
- Uplane M.M, Sonawane S.A. & Padmini M., (2012), CAI for Inclusion of low achievers, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-8484-8239-9.
- Aher and Sonawane (2012)’Obesity and Development: Trait's Amongst Mental Health, Scholastic Achievement And Physical Fitness Of Obese Boys, Scholar's Press Germany ISBN-13: 978-3639510584
- Soohee Cho, Sonawane Sanjeev(2014), Mind-Body Management Education(MBME) for Self Development, Scholar's Press ,Germany ,ISBN: 978-3-639-70786-1
- Sonawane S.A., (2007), Manual of Fitness Testing Translated in Persian by J. Karimian, Iran, (ISBN : 964-524-101-4) Book Edited for Distance Learning
- Sonawane S.A., & Uplane M.M., (2009), Research Methodology in Education, Symbisis Centre for Distance Learning, Pune.
- National and University level
सोनवणे संजीव, (0ct. 2005), शारीरिक शिक्षण, निराली प्रकाशन, पुणे.
- Sonawane S.A., (2006), Teaching Physical Exercise Skills, Vol. I & II Friends Publication, New Delhi, ISBN-81-7216-200-6.
- Sonawane S.A., (2006), Manual of Fitness Testing – editor, ISBN–81–7216 –185–9 M/s Friends Publications (India), New Delhi.
- Sonawane S.A., 'Physical Education' (Marathi) 1st edition (2006) 2nd & 3rd (2007) Nirali Prakashan, Pune
- Kangane S.E. & Sonawane S.A., (2007), 'Physical Education' (English) Nirali Prakashan, Pune.
- कांगणे सोपान आणि सोनवणे संजीव., (2008), आरोग्य शारीरिक शिक्षण आणि योगा, निराली प्रकाशन, पुणे.
- Kangane S.E & Sonawane S.A., (Dec. 2009), Health, Physical, Education and Yoga, Nirali Prakashan, Pune.
- कांगणे सोपान आणि सोनवणे संजीव., (2011), शारीरिक शिक्षण आणि क्रीडा व्यवस्थापन, इनसाईट पब्लिकेशन्स , नाशिक, ISBN: 978-93-81354-07-0.
- Sonawane Sanjeev, Kagade, Khaire (2015) Shaikshnik Manasshashra (Marathi), Nirali Prakashan, ISBN 935164521-5
- Sonawane Sanjeev, Kagade, Khaire, Deo Neha ( April, 2016) Shaikshnik Sanshodhan va Sankhyashashra (Marathi), Nirali Prakashan, ISBN 978-93-5164-682-2.
Chapter in Books:
- Sonawane Sanjeev & Bhatnagar Anjali (2014) 'Quality Education in India : Problems & Perspects, Vol- 1, Concep pub. P.84-105, ISSN : 13:978-93-5125-078-4 (Vol.1)
- Sonawane Sanjeev & Jadhav Vaibhav (Aug.14), Chapter -2 "Teacher Education and Globalization " ISBN : 978-89-38-4148-508 in the book "Quality Improvement in Teacher Education" Published by RET, International Academic Publicity, ISBN : 978-89-38-4148-508.
Development of Quality Excellence model
- Developed Education Excellence Model for School(EEMS) (Apr. 2011)
- Developed Education Excellence Model for Business School (EEMS) (Apr. 2015)
Contribution in the International Research project:
- Visited, Monash University, Australia to complete the analysis of data the joint research project on “Pre-service Teacher‟s Attitudes Towards and Concerns about inclusive Education” sponsored by India – Australia council during 3rd December to 13th December 2006. (completed)
- “Inclusive Education in India”( Feb. 8-23, 2011) Monash University, Mel born,Australia, Joint Research project workshop funded by Aus.AID Development ResearchAwards Scheme 2011. (completed)
- Awareness and knowledge about Multicultural Education among pre-service teachereducators of India and Norway (2014-15) (Completed).
- Integrated Science and Mathematics Teacher Education Programmes : Joint Project withGottingen University, Germany, funded by DAAD( Rs. 64 L).( since 2015) On going
- NOTED 2017 Joint research project with University College of Southeast Norway ,Nottodem, Norway on Quality in Teacher Education-Joining forces throughinternationalization funded by The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Education of Rs, 1.66 Cr. (NOK 1999020) On Going.
Research Projects: Completed & On Going (2009-2018):
Sr.No. | Name of the Research Project | Status | Funding Agency & Amount | Remark |
1. | Enhancing rural development through rural communication | Completed Feb.2015 | ISRO Rs 10.12 L | Completed,2015 |
2. | National Research Project on "Governance and Management of Higher Education in India" of NUEPA, New Delhi (2015) | On going2014 | Team Member Research Project NUEPA, New Delhi | Completed,2018. |
3 | Development of Quality Excellence model for Schools (QEMS) | Completed 2010 | BCUD,3 L. | Completed and Published,2010 |
4. | Attitude of Novice teachers towards Inclusion of Disabled students in Class Room from Pune | Completed 2009 | India Australia Council. Joint Project with Monash University, Australia | Completed and Published in Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (Aug. 2009) |
5. | Level of e-culture and Integration of ICT in Teacher Education Institutions of Pune City | Completed 2009 | Project of Intel Asia corporation under TEACH TO FUTURE PROGRAM | Completed and Published in “Research Studies on the Impact of ICT in Education” by Intel Corporation. |
6. | Development of CAT packages for enhancement of Academic achievement. | Completed 2009 | BCUD 1 Lakh | Completed and Published in “EDUTRACK” for Publication |
7. | Development of Inclusive Curriculum for Teacher Education and implementation by infuse & isolated mode | Completed 2015 | Departmental project | Completed and Presented in Inclusive Education International Conf.2016. |
8. | Quality in Teacher EducationJoint Research project with South East Norway University, Norway | On going 2018 | Funded by NOTED , Govt. of Norway(20L NOK)1.80Cr. | In Progress |
9 | Development of Quality Excellence model for B- Schools | Completed 2015 | Departmental Study | Completed |
10 | Development of website of Advanced Technology Blind Student's Learning Center. | Completed 2009 | Departmental Study | Adapted in center system and Working well |
Ph.D Degree Awarded Students Under the Supervision of Prof. Sanjeev Sonawane:
Sr.No | Name of the student | Title of Topic | Guidance duration | P.G. Letter Ref/ Date | Date of Declaration |
1 | Mahesh Deshpande | Analytical study of Somatotype, Physical fitness & mental health | 14/10/2003 to 6/7/2007 | PGS/Ph.D/ 9393, Dt. 9/7/2007 | 06/07/2007 |
2 | Munish Singh Rana | A study of sports talent iddetification factors of inner Himalayan and lower hilly area school boys of Himachal Pradesh | 12/1/2004 to 7/2/2008 | PGS/Ph.D/ 840, Dt. 8/2/2008 | 07/02/2008 |
3 | Seyed Mohsen Ali Toka | A study of academic achievement, mental health, socio economic status and its relation to physical and motor fitness components of Pune and Tehran University students. | 18/3/2005 to 6/5/2008 | PGS/Ph.D/ 5233, Dt. 8/5/2008 | 06/05/2008 |
5 | Yogesh Pawar | Normative study of health related physical fitness of first year under graduate girl students of University of Pune | 25/3/2004 to 19/6/2008 | PGS/Ph.D/ 7005, Dt. 23/6/2008 | 19/06/2008 |
6 | Mansi Bera | Assertion of traditional yoga in human health and value education | 10/4/2004 to 2/8/2008 | PGS/Ph.D/ 9390, Dt. 17/11/2008 | 02/08/2008 |
7 | Dhanajay Velukar | An Analytical study of scholatic achievement, socioeconomic status and its relation to physical fitness components of adolescents boys | 10/4/2004 to 7/8/2008 | PGS/Ph.D/ 7981, Dt. 14/08/2008 | 07/08/2008 |
8 | Aher Sharad | An analytical study of relationship amongst mental health, scholatic achievenment, and physical fitness componenets of obese boys | 14/06/2006 to 18/5/2009 | PGS/Ph.D/ 2325, Dt. 25/5/2008 | 18/05/2009 |
9 | Deepak Mane | An evaluatory study of particaipation of students in sports activities from the affiliated colleges of Pune University | 29/4/2005 to 21/5 2009 | PGS/Ph.D/ 2322, Dt. 22/5/2009 | 21/05/2009 |
10 | Balaji Pote | 14/6/2006 to 12/6/2009 | PGS/Ph.D/ 2933, Dt. 16/6/2009 | 12/06/2009 | |
11 | Shradhha Bapat | Study on performance profiles of elite women kabaddi players in Maharashtra | 16/6/2006 to 13/7/2009 | PGS/Ph.D/ 3289, Dt. 16/7/2009 | 18/07/2009 |
12 | Datta Mahadam | An analytical study of academic achievement, mental health, socioeconomic status and it's relation to physical and motor fitness | 2/7/2004 to 15/2/2010 | PGS/Ph.D/ 3289, Dt. 16/12/2010 | 15/04/2010 |
13 | Gorakhnath Kamble | Education in irrigatd areas : An indepth study of Sangli District | 30/7/2001 to 26/7/2010 | PGS/Ph.D/ 451, Dt. 30/7/2010 | 26/07/2010 |
14 | Anjali Bhatnagar | Development of Quality Excellence Model for Schools : QEMS | 7/12/2007 to 19/3/2011 | PGS/Ph.D/ 224, Dt. 1/4/2011 | 19/03/2011 |
15 | Balu Murade | 18/8/2004 to 26/9/2011 | PGS/Ph.D/ 637, Dt. 5/10/2011 | 26/09/2011 | |
16 | Zohre Razaei | Study of effectiveness of various yogic practices on divorce related stress management | 15/5/2007 to 27/9/2011 | PGS/Ph.D/ 636, Dt. 5/10/2011 | 27/09/2011 |
17 | Mehga Uplane | Development of textbook-based computer multimedia software package for school children to enhance their academic achievement in Physics - A study | 21/4/2007 to 4/11/2011 | PGS/Ph.D/ 699, Dt. 11/11/2011 | 04/11/2011 |
18 | Yogesh Sunoo | Blended learning modes for integration of ICT in Mauritian Secondary Schools | 18/7/2009 to 17/3/2012 | PGS/Ph.D/ 123, Dt. 21/3/2012 | 17/03/2012 |
19 | Vishnu Petkar | Teachers' and students' attitude toward physical activity and physical fitness | 20/7/2007 to 9/4/2012 | PGS/Ph.D/148, Dt. 12/4/2012 | 09/04/2012 |
20 | Mahsa Moshfogyan | Study of teacher education in West Azerbaijan Iran | 01/12/2008 to 25/10/2012 | PGS/Ph.D/658, Dt. 27/10/2012 | 25/10/2012 |
21 | Robert Mwebi | A study of teacher education in Kenya | 03/10/2008 to 11/3/2013 | PGS/Ph.D/144, Dt. 15/3/2013 | 11/03/2013 |
22 | Soo Hee Cho | The effect of Mind-body management education(MBME) on self development | 11/11/2008 to 26/12/2013 | PGS/Ph.D/02, Dt. 6/1/2014 | 26/12/2013 |
23 | Smita Patil | Leadership and management in NAAC 'A' grade higher educational institutes of Maharashtra | 18/7/2013 to 19/1/2016 | PGS/Ph.D/48, Dt. 29/1/2016 | 19/01/2016 |
24 | Nisha Valvi | Attitude, Self- efficacy & skills of Pre-sevice teachers towards inclusive education | 25/8/2012 to 29/4/2016 | PGS/Ph.D/197, Dt. 6/5/2016 | 29/04/2016 |
25 | Pradeep Owalekar | Quality Excellence Model for business schools | 05/08/2008 to 23/5/2016 | PGS/Ph.D/260, Dt. 1/6/2016 | 23/05/2016 |
26 | Suman Pandey | Correlation of life skills with physical fitness, mental health, socioeconomic status and emotional maturity of the school going adolescents. | 1/7/2008 to 6/6/2016 | PGS/Ph.D/275, 10/6/2016 | 06/06/2016 |
27 | Suvarna Gaikwad | Development and Standardization of Scientific Attitude Scale | 28/01/2011 to 28/01/2016 | PGS/PhD/677 29/11/2018 | 24/11/2018 |
28 | Bacchav Prakash D. | महाराष्ट्र राज्याच्या उच्च शिक्षणातील सर्वसमावेशकतेचा अभ्यास | 27/08/2013 to 31/12/2018 | PGS/PhD/7 07/01/2019 | 31/12/2018 |
Professional Involvements: International Conference/Seminar Presentation:
- “Quality of Education: An Indian Perspective” (Aug. 8-25, 2009) InternationalSeminar and workshop on “Research in Education” Telemark College University,Nottodon, Norway.
- “Inclusive Education in India”( Feb. 8-23, 2011) Monash University, Mel born,Australia, Joint Research project workshop funded by AusAID Development ResearchAwards Scheme 2011.
- “Policy reform In Inclusive Education In India”, (Feb.10, 2012), 2012 Pacific RimSpecial Education Research Consortium Conference, University of California, SantaBarbara, USA.
- “Multicultural Education for Teacher Education in the Universities ofMaharashtra,” (Feb.19, 2013) International Conference on Multicultural Education forTeacher Education, Organized by University of Pune and Telemark College UniversityNorway.
- "Development of Inclusive Education In India : Policies and Reforms Initiative "(Jan.2015) International Conference on Inclusive Education 2015, June 9-11,2015, AsianCenter for Inclusive Education, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Participation in the International Teacher Excnange: Seminars/Workshops:
- 5 weeks visit at Jon Koping University (School of Education), Sweden under teacherexchange programme (Contributed in Mathematics Education) School of Education,JonKoping, Sweden (Received Linnaeus- Palme Scholarship during Sept. – Oct. 2003)
- Participated in the World Education Congress organized by the South East AsianMinisters of Education Organization and UNESCO, ASIA held at Bangkok(THAILAND) from 27th to 29th May 2004.
- Paper reading in 3rd International conference on Australia study in India Organized byIndian Association on Australian study in India during 9th & 10th Jan.2006 at Pune.
- Participating in Teacher Education forum organized by NAAC – Common Wealth ofLearning at Bangalore during 2nd – 5th November, 2007 15
- Participating & Presenting Paper in the International workshop of ICT & TeacherEducation organized by Intel Asia Incorporation at Colombo, Sri Lanka during 16th –18th December, 2007.
- 5 weeks visit at Jon Koping University (School of Education), Sweden under teacherexchange programme (Contributed in Education for Sustainable Development) Schoolof Education, JonKoping, Sweden (Received Linnaeus- Palme Scholarship during Apr.–May 2010)
- Session Chair : Theme3 (Jan,3,2015) International Conference on Inclusive Education,Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Involvements In National Councils and other Universities (TimeAssignments):
- Panel Member, Peer Team, NAAC, Bangalore ( Since 2004)
- Panel Member, Visiting Team, NCTE , New Delhi
Events Organisation:
- Co-ordinator, National Seminar on "Human Right" (March, 19-20,2015), Jointlyorganized with Human Right Commission of India and Savitribai Phule PuneUniversity, Pune.
- Organizing Secretary (Feb.2013) International Symposium on Multicultural Educationin Teacher Education, Jointly Organized by Telemark College University, Noteddem,Norway & University of Pune, India.
- Organizing Secretary (Dec.11) 45th IATE National Conference on „Experiences andChallenges in Teacher Education‟ Organized by Department of Education &Extension, University of Pune. & Indian Association of Teacher Educators (IATE)
- Organizing Secretary (Mar.10) National Level Seminar on „Learning & LearningResources‟ Organized by University of Pune.
- Local coordinator First NAAC-NCTE National Conference on Teacher EducationInstitutes, December, 2002 Held at University of Pune
- Co-ordination –No. 04 , UGC Refresher Course Academic Staff College, University of Pune -- March 2006, Feb, 2007, March 2010 and Jan 2012
Editorial Involvement:
- Executive Editor, Teacher Education Browser- A peer reviewed national Journal Published by Insight Pub. Nashik, India.
- Expert Advisor, Shikshanatil Marmadrushti, Insight Pub.Nashik, ISSN : 0976-0385.
- Editor, „National Journal of Extensive Education and Interdisplinary Research, Pub. by- Government College of Education, Institute for Adv, Studies in Education, Aurangabad, India, ISSN:2320-1460.
- Editor, of „Entire Research’ National Journal,Thane, India, ISSN:0975-5020.
- Expert Advisor, Shikshan Tarang, Journal Insight Pub.Nashik, ISSN : 0976-0636.
- Editor (March 2010) Proceedings on State Level Seminar in „Learning & Learning Resources‟ Published by-Department of Education & Extension, University of Pune, India
- Editor, (March 2010) Proceedings on „Pune University Educational Abstracts (M.Phil & Ph.D.)’, Published by-Department of Education & Extension, University of Pune, India.
Key Note , Guest Lecture & Invited Talk:
- "Mixed Method :3rd wave Research method in Social Science" Workshop on „The Criticality of Social Science Research : Perspectives & Application in Research Methodology‟ (May 24, 2013)Jointly organized by Department of Adult, Counting Education & Extension, with Indian Council of Social Science Research ( ICSSR), New Delhi, India.
- "Innovation in Pharmaceutical Teaching & Research" (April 19, 13) AICTE Sponsored Seth Govind Raghunath Sable College of Pharmacy, Saswad, Pune, India.
- Guest Lecture (Jan.16, 2013) on "Choice Based Creadit System" in State Level Workshop organized by C. T. Bora College, Shirur, Pune, India.
- Guest Lecture (Jan.21,2013) on "Innovations in Teacher Education" in Adarsha Comprehensive College of Education & Research, Pune, India.
- Guest Lecture (Jan.12, 2011) on 'Education & Psychology' in 9th Refresher CourseOrganized by UGC-Academic Staff College, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar MarathwadaUniversity, Aurangabad.
- Invited talk ( Oct. 27 , 2013) on 'Reflective practices in teaching and learning' National conference on Reflective Educaton, Oct. 2013 at Nasik.
Ph.D. Thesis Adjudication:
- Ph.D. Thesis Adjudication work performed for Osmaniya Universirty, Hydrabad. MumbaiUniversity, Mumbai, S.R.T. Uni. Nanded, Shivaji Uni. ,Kolapur, N.M.University, Jalgoan, RTM University, Nagpur, S.G.B.University, Amravati, Solapur University, Solapur, Punjabi University, Chandigarh, M.S.G. Uni. Baroda, Kalyani Uni. West Bengal, Vansthali Uni. Rajasthan.
Involvements in the Savitribai Phule Pune University Authority bodies:
- Ex Member, Academic Council
- Ex Member, Senate
- Ex Chairman, Examination Lapses Committee
- Ex Member, Board of Examination
- Ex Chairman, Building Advisory Committee
- Ex Member, Building Works Committee
- Ex Member, NSS, Advisory Committee
- Member, ASC, Advisory Committee
- In charge, Advance Technology Centre for Visually Impaired.
Professional Membership:
- Member – Indian Association of Teacher Educators
- Member – Council of Teacher Education, India
- Member – All India Association for Educational Research.
- Member- Sports Medicine Association of India, Pune
- Member- All India Association of Sports Statistics.
- Executive Membership –Asian Center of Inclusive Education, University of Dhaka,Bangladesh.
- Chairman, BOS, Education & Member, Academic Council, Board of Secondary andHigher Secondary Education, Government of Maharashtra.
- Swimming and playing games.
- Hiking, Site seeing.
- Reading books on Education, Teacher Education, Health Psychology, Sports andexercise, Information & Communication Technology.
- Practicing Yoga and Meditations.
Area of Interest:
- Higher Education- Research and Administration
- Open and Distance Learning
- Quality in Education
- Teacher Education & Inclusive Education.
- Information & Communication Technology in Education.
- Human movements studies – Health & Physical Education.